Saturday, 16 November 2013


Hi, sorry I did 3 posts then just disappeared. Im just feeling a bit lost and didnt want to rant on about miserable things.
Food is going bad. Im so lonely, and im eating to try and make myself feel better. This is something that has never worked. Thinking about food, preparing food, eating food, I dont get any enjoyment from it, and at no point does it make me feel better, but I still carry on regardless.

Good news?? Yeh, so im going to be an aunty! My sister has a baby in her belly!
Im really happy about this, but I dont want to be a negative influence on this little person, if I carry on how I am.... too long to go into, another time.

Thank you so much for all your comments! I promise I will get replying to them all, im so grateful that you could take the time to say something nice to me, ive resd them all more than once and they really make me feel better so thank you.I promise I will reply.

I cant really complain about being lonely, ive got the loveliest dog lying snoring beside me.
(Wont let me upload picture, but trust me, shes beautiful :) )

1 comment:

  1. Hi I know this is a really old post I just wanted to tell you I miss your posts and I hope you're doing all right.
